Preventive care

Keep your smile healthy and beautiful

Preventive care is essential to keeping your teeth, gums, and whole body healthy. With routine appointments at Northside Dental, we’ll help keep your smile free of gum disease and tooth decay, and we’ll be able to catch any small issues before they become bigger problems.

Many serious health problems including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, preterm birth, and low birth weight have been linked to oral disease. At Northside Dental, we believe that a healthy mouth is a crucial part of a healthy body and mind.

We may recommend preventive measures, such as fluoride or sealants, to help protect your teeth and prevent cavities.

During your visit, Dr. Durner will assess your mouth to make sure you are free from any signs of dental health issues. We perform an oral cancer screening and take x-rays to look for signs of serious disease. We complete a cleaning to reduce harmful bacteria, tartar, and plaque. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

Many back teeth have deep grooves that bacteria and sugar get stuck in. These grooves are so narrow that even a toothbrush can’t properly clean them. This leads to staining , cavities, and expensive dental work.

Sealants cover these deep grooves. We recommend them for high-risk teeth because they help prevent cavities and can save a tooth from invasive and expensive dental work . Sealants are tooth-colored and not easily noticeable. They are not permanent and need to be replaced every once in a while. 

Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth surfaces, making them more resistant to cavities. It can even help reverse cavities in their early stages. We use a strong, concentrated gel that is applied directly to your teeth. This gel is recommended even if your toothpaste contains fluoride, since it is much stronger and more effective.