Fear-Free CAre

stress-free with sedation

We understand that some patients feel nervous or intimidated by dental appointments. At Northside Dental, Dr. Durner and his compassionate team strive to give everyone a relaxing, enjoyable experience.

We offer sedation for patients with dental anxiety or phobia, a strong gag reflex, a lengthy appointment, or those who just want to feel more comfortable during their visit. We want our patients to have a great experience, free from worry or fear, which is why we offer conscious sedation.

Schedule an appointment today if you are interested in a comfortable experience at Northside Dental. Dr. Durner will assess your health history and determine if you may be a good candidate for sedation.

Fear-free dental care with sedation helps you feel more comfortable and relaxed during your visit. Combined with numbing, it ensures you do not feel anything during your procedure.

With fear-free care, you can:

  • Easily sit still and relax during a long dental appointment.
  • Feel more comfortable while Dr. Durner works on your back teeth, as your gag reflex will be diminished.
  • Get a healthier mouth by easing your dental anxiety.

Conscious sedation is taken in pill form about an hour before your appointment. It provides a deeper level of sedation than laughing gas. You will feel drowsy and may even fall asleep during your visit.

‍The effects of conscious sedation typically last several hours, so it’s important to plan ahead and clear your schedule for the day. You will need a friend or family member to drive you to and from the appointment, as well as watch over you as you recover.